Global Warming & Evolution as Public Health Issues 
There is widespread agreement among scientists that living organisms evolve by natural selection and that global warming is largely due to human activity.  Both positions are well supported by evidence published in the scientific literature.  However, according to a recent national poll, many Americans disagree with the scientific conclusions.  Perhaps individuals would be more receptive to scientific viewpoints if the evidence for evolution and the implications of global warming were presented as issues of public health.

The Great Divide 
Anti-religious rhetoric forces non-scientists into a false dilemma.  As a result, they allign themselves with religion and become resistant to conceptual change.  If the goal is to actually increase the scientific literacy of our citizens, the work of Richard Dawkins and other "New Atheists" may be counter-productive.

Trick or Treatment? 
In the US, herbal and other dietary supplements are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration as foods.  This means they do not have to meet the same standards as prescription or over-the-counter medications for proof of safety or effectiveness.  Is there any scientific evidence suggesting that these "alternative" medicines actually work? 

Crossing Boundaries 
Political affiliation and religious belief contribute significantly to one’s sense of identity.  Unfortunately, strong political or religious convictions may leave an individual susceptible to logical fallacies like “confirmation bias” and the “false dilemma.”  These fallacies can make it particularly difficult to objectively assess scientific information.   

West Virginians for Science & Reason